Wednesday, April 29, 2009,
8:54 PM
MY LUCKY STAR SHINES BRIGHT TODAY =D well my recent posts now will start with headline first. Attracts reader =P ok lets start off with today, i was going to school having some headache bout who to choose for my CATS team. Cause previous week have no lucky getting members. then come into class, gotten some members straightaway, good thing =D, then our project too starts straightaway, nice people, but sadly no girls. but nvm ... so yet another headache. Cause today after CATS lesson i have to go for my Sports and Wellness, which is gym and fitness, and after that still got training. Honestly, my calf, thigh, arm, chest is aching badly. due to prev training and gym. then during SW class, WAH, lucky siol, the coach only brief us, register us to the gym, talking bout safety issue and etc. sibei heng ar. =D oh and i dropped 7% body fat and loss 4 -5 kg. OMG. so happy =D then....rugby training today is less than a kick. Just simple training, like passing, running, dodging, tackling and some lesson of safety and tactics Overall today is a good day =D
Monday, April 27, 2009,
8:25 PM
DOMINATING PRCs IN NGEE ANN so today my title of my blog is dominating PRC in Ngee ann poly Well, it all began with the meeting of SPR and Foreigners about the Tuiton Grant Scheme I met up with Eugene, he is a Malaysian, and yup im Indonesian PR. Then, when we made ourselves into the lecture theater, which can accomodate up to lets say, roughly 500+ people. So we 2 sat in the back corner, looking around. then.....It all happens. Group of PRC start swarming in like as if i am in China itself. all around me i was literally surrounded by their people, Drowning the atmosphere with the Ching Chong Slang languages. Seriously, is a disgrace to make friend with them la. they shout caling friends, talk so loud, like i dunno la. kk nvm, China people ish like that )= (im sad to be their descendant) okok, then after today sch, which i am kinda tired, cause yesterday i went GYM weight lifting for 2hr+ and , after that sleep quite short. like 6 hr liek that. then today rugby training, wah is one of hardcore training. i almost died tho' )= lucky today no sun , cause training at 5 pm onwards =D wah after training straight away rush to the NP Cheers and bought 1.5l of 100plus add salt. last set of workout almost got me cramp badly in my thigh. omfg. Went home, eat more meat. Now my resolution in my diet. MORE MEAT, MORE VEGGIE LESS CARB =D Then, My new goal is. training everyday. Oh and btw, Monday rugby, tue ownself run, wed Sports And Wellness (gym), thursday swim, friday rest, sat gym, sun rest. that is my list so far. =D
Saturday, April 25, 2009,
8:06 AM
well, i guess i only have saturday and sunday to blog (= Alrite, so these week poly was ok, kinda get used to it liao, just that i still hate the part when we have to walk like so damn far and keep sweating... zzzz I heard that RP have school fully air conditioned, everywhr they go also got aircon? man thats good o.o then also joined rugby instead of dragonboat...see the DB training liao *faint* lol , i think they did like 300 pushup for trial. roflmao and run like 6km or more. haiz. i prefer to get bang and bang people (= so.....very busy these days, hard to keep up when teacher keep giving stupid assignment and teaching unnecessary things. -_- rite rite, i'll blog later or update after i come back from rugby training (=
Tuesday, April 21, 2009,
9:49 PM
wah recently really have no time to blog. timing is quite tight. As in 3 days i start school at 8am, 1 day 9am 1 day 1pm So it tooks me at least 1hr 30min to reach from my house to NP. which is kinda. bullshit..... Now i gotta bring my ipod everyday to school, it is a MUST, Literally. Why? Sitting on bus 52 without music can get me crazy )= IT IS SO LONG! SO BORING! AND TIRING! Why NP have to build so far ): , cant it build like around bishan? Omg... Ok enuf of complaining, hmm....ok...my class is not that bad, except for the part that we have only 2 girls in the class of um.....20? CRAP. why???? why?????????????????????????? T_______T BUT. wait. look on a bright side. i want to get a GPA of 3.9 well who doesnt right? the least and the very least GPA i should get is 3.3 and.. since there is no distraction, and my close friends happens to be a genius, i guess i can reach my goal =D But again....sian... no girls = no fun )= so joined for rugby and dragonboat trialout which is wed and thursday respectively oh and NP IT helpdesk is total bullshit.
Friday, April 17, 2009,
7:42 PM
Ah, is been awhile since i blogged. ): Been "BUSY" with things.... haiz. Poly starting in 2 days time only NVM. Look on the bright side.At least can make new friends. Though got orientation but it kinda sucks yup...so, received my NP EZ link card and also student pass :D yay! JAPANESE RoCK STAR o.0 Been going tru alot activities last week, Pri sch outing =D , Ugh Gym, Swim, Jason B'dae, My b'dae and dunno wad.. lol. Cant get the PRI school group pic. kinda lost it )= Oh, and also went to eat SAKAE =D , bought some shirt and pant, all i need is a haircut, bag, mouse O: so i just post some pics i got Sakae Pics JASON B'dae ![]() ![]() My bdae O.0
Friday, April 10, 2009,
8:55 PM
OMG... i turned 18 already.... WOOO... well the feeling is much better than ur 16. where u cant watch M18 :D hahaha kk dun get angry and jealous yet...everyone gonna live thier life a 18. getting laid, drunk, and all sort of stunts. but not me IMMA GOOD BOY :D BAd on the outside, good on the inside :P um so...yea few days never update..coz dont have the feeling ar..lazy to. So...today went out with my Pri school mates. Some people still same de :D Pictures up later |: we went to...Just Noodle restaurant at Suntec City for a meal.. It was "buffet" excluding the unlimited food. hmm..then.. ah.went home after that. sorry people, not that i dont want join, is my father come SG , cannot go home late ar...my sis alrede tio kpkb now is only like 8.55pm. LOL ah and.... aiz. nvm. NTH to be angry about... so.. yup, about the NP first orientation totally suck balls. i wouldnt want explain further cause is a waste of my time. agh.. yea thats about it ..i ll update when i rmb things
Sunday, April 5, 2009,
11:27 PM
Wow...went to watch shinjiku incident today, overall the movie is quite nice. FYI, my demand in movie is really low...as long as there are actions, kill, blood, funny...thats ok with me.. :D But before that, i went to re-dye my hair + trim :D......... actually supposed to watch 1.30 at J8GV, but end up trapped at 7 eleven there....fuck rain.................................. ok then nvm...changed to 310.. O: while waiting..went to toapayoh met up with Kiat Hwee and Yong sheng ,tgt with YZ and isaac well went to eat FORK AND SPOON. WOW. is like 2 years since i stepped into toapayoh..omg ): Memories.... :D yup yup...home after that...guess spent too much |: Oh uh. aiz k nvm. i always forget what i want say....zzzz
Saturday, April 4, 2009,
12:52 AM
Gah, weent gym from 930 all the way to 1030 1hr of exercise already sweat me out, 6 set benchpress O: Then later on YJ and keith went to my house for a swim, 12 laps O: Leonard lew joined us but didnt went to swim though, Well...actually i want to watch, but yet i lazy to since already at my house.... u noe.... LOL. And not attracted to the movie HANDSOME SUIT either,...so yea.. Oh and this skin.. well...................... kinda fucked me up a few times with the stupid codes. Tried to re input the code but some error pops out ): noob in IT Talking bout days,,,,,, 7th April is my course orientiation OMFGWTFBBQ so nervous and scared siol LOL! :D cause my course only im the only one from KCP. ): no one to know...blur blur like sotong. but nvm, make frens. maybe lucky lucky jio 1 girl also dunno ma :P so........ugh, been 1 mth since i started training gym. O: Really hope to keep it up and until sch starts then i shall put timetable for gym and exercise :D Cause seriously.... need to lose those Natural heater in my body... singapore is so freaking hot. last mth alone i got sunburn 3 times ... zzzzz i noe is not really related.. but yea... can tio heat stroke. lol well look on bright side... actually no brightside came to tink of it. ): Omfg...seriosuly i hate my laptop. and vista.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009,
12:52 AM
DAAAAAAAYYYYUUUUMMMM ah...looking at the date, this line was supposed to begin with "AH SO FAST APRIL ALREADY" talking about April realised today is april's fool, so go jack people first. :D Ok move on..ya ya i noe is lame. w/e la.. lol. ugh...ya...so fast april..8 more days to my fucking birthday. to be honest. i dont celebrate birthday, usually i make it just an excuse to go out. :D But seriously, i dont give a damn. so ya...damned birthday ): .... ok then.. look on the bright side. HEY! I'M 18 ALREADY. hehehehehehehehehhehehee. No dont get the wrong idea of whores, though sometimes it crossed my mind. i mean, legal age to club and drink in public LOL :D but sadly, i kinda quit beer. promised my mom :D it good for me and my precious wallet too. i dont addict, i control my brain. unlike.................................... no wait, dont get me wrong, i dont addict to computer games, i only use it to kill time, which i have alot now... ah again time links to school. 20th April school start , 7th april orientation for my course ): crap. Oh if u asking what course am i, im in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering . Under school of life sciences. Well doesnt sounds "smart" But w/e , i like science. Ok i shall stop here, to much words makes me feel lazy to read even.. :D |