Monday, February 23, 2009,
10:50 PM
Seriously i cant wait for Poly school to startThis shit just taking so long.... holidays are getting boring....But oh least my life is currently better than those JCs :PNo.. i mean they started sch and already have exams. LOL, wth right.At the very least, i stay home got 50 dollar/ week income. well, save money lor :DHmm...going salon cut hair very soon... hair too um.. messy. oh well.New trance and hip hop :D sometimes i dont get it, why the people i know dont really like trance and techno, except for maybe SKH and dion. i mean, trance is great, full of beats and kinda relaxing, compared to those punk rocks acting cool wannabe. Damn..Oh well... move on..hmm would really want to be in rugby team ASAP. :D, gotta cut the slack.At least i stayed home and lose some KGs, i dunno what i did though, but oh well. LOLAnyone want go out? ): im such a loner. O: oh and btw , YJ found this pic somehwere
i just thought it was damn funny so i'll post it online :D
Thursday, February 19, 2009,
1:40 AM
Haiz, today like most of the day, staring blankly at computer screen.....It was 3pm, and i was so freaking tired, i dozed off watching tv..... until the heat wakes me up, and i went to grab floor mat and pillow and slept on floor until 6pm. Dang.....):Poor me, then went out to J8 eat Sakae Sushi...woot, Salmon always the best choice. :DKinda bored,so many things i want to buy.... but not enuf $$$ )):yet no job... no caller, no employer. haiz... GNC have 1 though, but not that cheerful guy aThings want to buy but hesistate alot:-Camera (wait, im not so cam whore, and i dont look good in pics)-Upgrade for PC (WTF? didnt i just upgradE???)-handPhone (FOr fuck??? Just use to listen la)-Earphone for Mp3 (still waiting......)-Games (NO GOOD GAMES!!! STOP WASTING $ I.E. SAINTS ROW2!!) -Chair (definitely, but i costs me $140 for the chair i want)
yep.................................. Got lobang jio ar.
Sunday, February 15, 2009,
7:22 PM
I'M Back!
Just came back from 3D2N chaleti must say that this chalet so much better than previous class chalet..Same place, aranda CC, but at 2nd floor :O, people there are ying jie, keith, yizan, clarence, nicholas, me, qixiang, kiat hwee, isaac choo, alvin lee, andrew and darren lew.Basically as usual, settled down and gamble 21, till around evening and night where we starts to play hardcore games.Not so hardcore, mostly violent and money :Dfirst day didnt happen much, 2nd day was valentine day, some people went to meet their partners, so left about 8 boys in the chalet. i kinda forgot what we did, but we certainly did the last minute bbq plan, where kh planned it, still left alot of uneaten food tho, That same night, Played non violent, or money game. Just that um.....disgusting and funny game.Tho, i kinda shit myself after an hour of playing the game. :/Kinda lazy to type and type, still feeling tired and almost fell sick due to the imba aircon in ACC, oh well, shall post pictures.BBQ piccas   Cramping in bed :/ This pic below, we are not cramping in bed , we r gang raping yizan. Drunkard Darren, he just drank like 2 cans, and he drunk, wad a noob. :/ Where these people said," Lets ton the night" so much that, picture taken 4am in the morning, me and yz was at living room watching shows Group picture before checking out. THE JJEPeople missing "Keith, nicholas"
Thursday, February 12, 2009,
10:01 PM
My dad came from Indonesia to visit us, well actually was kinda of unexpected :OCause didnt inform us ma, wad a surprise lo...So later evening went out to Plaza Singapura to eat dinner at Sakae Teppanyaki On the way there, so qiao ar, actually is very qiao, met darren, andrew and dexter.Well initially i was staring blankly at the door, then it came to stop at Potong Pasir i thinkThen, saw this monkey who point middle finger at me, i thought which Mallet headed boy pointing at, so then i realised is darren lew. Oh well.... :DSo had a chat during train before seperate in the wayAh so happy, tmr is Chalet like fking finally..... :DFor those who going, 2.30pm Aranda. :D
Tuesday, February 10, 2009,
11:41 PM
First of all, getting boring with words, but bo pian,No pictures to put ): , not so whore in cameraHaiz, so i shall just explain in words, 2 more days until the chalet. WOOT. Kinda cut down 96% of alcoholic consumption since last last month. :D, thats a good thing for forgot what i want to say....OH!um... poly year. Well, kinda WOOT thing for me, No need go cut short short hair like those in JC. LOLOL, and um, no uniform, though this will give most of us headache of what to wear like tmr, and the next day and next day . lOLPLanning to join their rugby team when in school. Keep myself fit to go for NS after grad. :DNS,,,, yah, i need to go, im a bloody PR and gotten letter from the MINDEF, it wrotes my name, HENDRY SUHARDI pls apply for deferment to pursue for futher course. Just did it like last 2 days. Blah, Army, though i kinda like army, except for the running part :Di like to keep my post in small small sentences, so that viewers wont strain their eyes.*Viewer friendly blog* yeah thats all for now then. Sibei sian at home, faster faster chalet.
Monday, February 9, 2009,
11:04 PM
today went out with Keith, YJ, QX, SKH and daren loI thinking of watching um.... the Underworld: rise of Lycans, but then realised is rated M18, so yea... sadded :D, so end up watching the Benjamin something something, forget and lazy go look up for the title.Basically the show is about this person (acted by brad pitt), he was born old, means as a baby, it has all the diseases and looks of an old person, probably 80+, eye cataracts, Brittle bones, Skins and muscles which loses elasticity. So as he grew up in Old Folk's Home, He starts to get younger and younger while everyone getting old and dying. Kinda interesting idea, if it wasnt for the idea, i think i would be sleeping in the cinemaI shall not describe further. the show itself like 2hr + , went in at 1.20pm and ended at 4.15pm very very long show. but time passes faster than it seems though.after that met up with Dion and went to Leonard Goh's house for like only 5 minute? then all of us went back home. Kinda tiring day. :D
Sunday, February 8, 2009,
12:52 AM
While surfing youtube, ran across this video of Airsoft "war"is like in another words, BB guns used in simulation of real jungle/ urban i was pretty stuck to the videos, gotta admit im a fan of Airsoft too but sadly, Singapore....Now is like 1 A.M. in the bloody morning and seems like my brain have been lagging pretty badly, like a day lag, i thought today is monday, until my bro insisted on betting me today is sunday. :/ Valentine's day is on 14th Feb, Frankly speaking, i often felt the pressure from friends, not only my schoolmates, but others, to get a GF, but nah, still not really up to it. Just that maybe i think too much :/*Deleted my personal thoughts, after writing for like a paragraph, i thought it was stupid*Alot of confusion in my mind right now, feeling frustrated.My frustration often offend alot of people near me, so i should not speak of maybe that explains why most of the time i felt so angry "so dulan" , cant really find a right person to talk all my frustration out. so for now till one day maybe, i shall keep it to myself.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009,
10:25 PM
Hm... today went out with YJ , SKH, keith, YZis like um,, i woke up 20 mins later then bathe, dressed and straight go out :DSKH is like lol.... btw i havent cut my sideburn wor~ :D:D:D:Dso yep, hmm end up going LAN again, but later on YZ join us...... so here's the fun we played and played, until like 3pm SKH left LAN to go back Bishan ealier... to meet someone.ah.. so kinda hungry, went to opposite LAN to go eat.... so while we 4 eating, was talking at the same time... and then YZ... ok i promise him not to tell anyone so i went to YJ house awhile to go chat and his family WARMTH. LOL! nice story there yj... nv knew tt huh.. :Owent home after that. at around 8 :D
Monday, February 2, 2009,
10:20 PM
Huh? wtf........
sian sian sian..............Everyday seems so monotonous ,,,,wake up sleep all feeling the same day over and over again.... gah... job? finding after chalet.Talking bout chalet. just makes me kinda happy... is in like um.. 11 days time. WOOT!Beer, Cigarettes, Music, Slack, woot woot woot. Dang..Hm...and so my brother. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH fucking spent like 1.8k on his new compwtf wtf wtf so fucking jealous... his comp kick my comp to hell and burn it over and over again...zzzz... for those who want to know here are his specs.processor: Intel i7 920 with 8 coresGcard : EVGA gtx 260 876mbMotherboard: Gigabyte X58 U3DRRAM : 3x 1gb DDR 3 @ 1033mhzPowersupply :650W truepowerCasing: Thermaltake M9His things are fucking kick ass. sorry for those who dont understand IT. :Dhmm.... yea.. thats all.. i shall have a change in song for a while :D