Friday, February 29, 2008,
6:34 PM
Ah, next week jiu shi class retreat. so much discussion going on for the chalet, but then i see the program, all so sian. haiz. but to be frank, is better than nothing. but still is boring. LOL so. to make up those boreness im gonna bring my subwoofer there. WOOHOOO! ok hmph, lets see. good day so far in the morning... everything going smoothly ah yea, and then the day which is like fucked up after school? wow, thought shooting got training, ends up is games day. first i thought, games, wow fun. WRONG! bb court used, parade square used, concourse used, soccer field used. play where? play at my house la. wah lao. then all the members loiter like some tards sia, make me this captain (:D)lose face. tsk tsk tsk. but still end up playing soccer and frisbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee well tiring though. until Darren get mad and start rampaging some people. Confucius says:"darren lew qi wei, holding your temper is the key to success wor." so for now, im gonna get some rest and listen to my subwoofer beating up some techno :D
Thursday, February 28, 2008,
8:07 PM
First of all happy b'dae to xl kia, AKA, Dion. lOls well, must day that wad a treat today by him, only 33. never call abalone and shark fin thats why ah, yea, me JZ and dion, makan dinner at dunno where. (smwhere bishan near market side) yea. ok so lets go back to this morning. as usual. boring la... amath 3 lessons, diao, and keep talking bout class chalet thingy. so. recess that time, got another 'show', not as much as ytd, but still a show right? :D ok so, yea, though this person very xl, but felt pity for him la. dont want talk further later i also tio LOL ah, so yea, aft school SRP bo dai ji, go makan at food court with prasad, dion again, and jason. talk talk talk "bird's craps" so yea, and yea, felt better now from some matter. haiz. though, still thanks Dion for the treat
Wednesday, February 27, 2008,
6:43 PM
today in school, wow, interesting and impossible things do happens. i was, more like i am still pretty shocked about what happened. Probably all of sec 4 KCP should have known about the "secret". except for fags maybe WHAT TO SAY? cannot blame 'him' la, no self control that is. Haiz.. thought jason wan go with me to SLS, turn up cannot. so instead went with keith lo. go there i go buy subwoofer + speaker :D POWERFUL THE BASS. my old one put in my comp lo any buyer? for the old one? :D 2% discount :DDDDD tmr emath test. bah. sian. stupid mr.potato head dunno how teach emath. gg la tmr i try my best tmr bah so yea, 1st pic my comp + old audio system and WOOT 2nd pic, bEST . THX system summore sia, bue tahan. on bass my toys fall down :| .jpg)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008,
8:34 PM
I guess Monday really hates me as much as i hate Monday and yea, im really really f***ed up. lost my handphone. gah, no handphone, no calls, but nvm, i dont use it too often Handphone lost cfm feel du lan. wah diao, headache until cannot open eyes. wah lao, wad crap is this... nvm nvm. eat panadol, then wtf. drop my ipod......................... okok i know, irrelevant :D Today is an "ok" day, except for having to stay till so late in school.
Monday, February 25, 2008,
6:58 PM
argh. i think my MT totally screwed. lOls , ah, teacher slack we also slack. so blame who? TEACHER!!!! >:D MT die ar, the most go poly la, no big need make a big fuss :D, right? oh ok then. um. yea, dunno why my class so pop in making bank cards, all want hao lian :/ guy A:" I GOT CARD SIA! DBS" (*cough*) , guy B:"WOOT! I ALSO ! IM MAKING SOON!!!" (*cough*) :D *i think some people know who im talking bout* ......... ......... ......... why need card when you have cash :D. carry cash more stylo. ok lets skip cards. hmph, nothing much today again, except dunno why i got a lil hyper in early morning... eat sugar early morning make u high? probably. so at home, yep, study awhile, then watch movie online, called "saints and soldier" nice & somehow touching. another day tommorow damn it. i just hate mondays and week 1
Sunday, February 24, 2008,
8:16 PM
Aiz. today expected a damn boring day la. whole day mug home study, hogging my comp and then tuiton for 2 hr :/ haiz.... my dad told me "hend ar, must visit ur ah ma ar." oh well sure, so busy these few days and she'll be discharged at tuesday. im not being unfilial lols, but no time. btw for those ppl are curious, my ah ma went operate on her leg, i've no idea why. and yea, ask me wan go out today, turn out cannot. lols. not he cannot, he asked no one. LOL, except me, dun be sad darren, next time i organise ok lets see...... nothing much, yep. thats all
Saturday, February 23, 2008,
7:36 AM
 well well well, today, early morning went gym with keith, feels great to have sore muscles aint it? :D, ok so, after that, go trim my hair, (later mr ho kp me). oh yea. and my house was so crowdy la. like almost 8 ppl on that small house of mine ): , gah. ok then go ake a lil nap, thought got tuiton, so yea. in the end, turn up, dun have.
Wah lan. sianz............. ....... ...... ..... .... .... ... ok then, good lo, play play play cs, ah then play till 5.30, meet up with some my old buddies (: , for like 7 yrs we have known each other, great days back then.
then we go watch the "L" A.K.A , the known as DeathNote, at grand cathay, wow, so many "cb" :D:D:DDD , ha great theater, great system, and fuck the seating.we went there and left seats for like 3 rows away from the screen, wtf right? nvm lo, like said. bo pian ma, next movie 10.35, so damn late.Lol... wow, no more DN, L sexy seh, fucking sweet tooth bastard. great movie, recommend to watch :D
woop. after that, went my house at the pool there, talk cock sing song, 10.20 reach my home, talk until 11.20
very very very nice day though.
ps. now then i realise the timing is totally screwed up. :/
Thursday, February 21, 2008,
7:11 PM
woot first of all, congrat myself failing amath :/ question seems simple yet, f***ed up question haiz..... anyway, still amath ftw. fuck emath and the teacher. science thingy, wow, a perfect 1hr 30 min of time waster, mr kom acbc, buahahaha. not funny actually. so, huh, seems that class outing gonna be fun, after dumb talking done by some boys. ugh ok. thats all for today huh. :D
Wednesday, February 20, 2008,
9:03 PM
well today is not really my first day posting.... already got several in the past just that, you know.... pure laziness :P, so yea.. i just got really really really bored from studying...rather than watch tv eat pop corn, ill just blog instead. woot! bout today, another day in school, yep ,daily routine, study eat sleep.. +_+ can die sia like this. tmr still got 2 exam tmd, amath + chem :( then aft that still got chem thingy, dunno wad sia. haiz. lucky 4 peace teacher not as cruel as those in 4 love :D
oh yea just went out to Swensen just to eat regular earthquake with jason dion jordan and 1 guy i forgot what name :/
screw e-math now. a-math ftw.